How to register

Please read carefully!
Before starting the registration process, make sure to review all the steps outlined below.

  1. Register on the platform.
  2. Login with the same email address and password.

3. Select the option ‘Incoming Exchange Students (Short stays and BIPs). 

4. Complete sections ‘Information’, ‘Student’s Personal Data’ and ‘Emergency Contacts’ with the relevant information.

Remember to mark the page as complete before clicking ‘Next’.

5. Fill in the information about the BIP exactly as indicated below and complete the details about your country, university, and level accordingly.

6. For ‘Stay opportunity’, students from Leiden University and Universidade do Minho must select the option ‘BIP on multilingualism FFT‘ and indicate the email address of their International Office (Leiden: Mariëlle, Minho: Benvinda Moreira

Students from other universities must select the option ‘E131 SMS IN FFT‘ and provide the email address of the International Office in their home institution.

7. Complete these items with the relevant information. As for ‘Campus’, select ‘Vigo’.

8. Fill in the information about the BIP exactly as indicated .

Remember to mark the page as complete before clicking ‘Next’.

9. Complete sections ‘Further information’, ‘Documents to be Uploaded’, ‘Data Protection’ and ‘Declaration of Consent’ with the relevant information.

Remember to mark each page as complete before clicking ‘Next’.

10. Make sure that you have completed all mandatory fields and uploaded all necessary documents before submiting the application.