Vigo is located in Pontevedra in the northwest region of Galicia, Spain. It covers almost 110 km 2 and it has a population of 300.000 inhabitants, approximately. Its southern location in the so-called ‘Rías Baixas’ offers a really mild climate.
After gaining the status of city in 1809, its urban and industrial development has been strongly linked to maritime activities.
Nowadays, Vigo is a city with a strong vocation for commerce, with an economy led by the strong naval industry, the harbour (with its crucial role in fishing activities, merchant navy and granite distribution), the Stellantis (former Citroën) automobile factory (and its satellite industries), and the very dynamic tourism service sector.

Geographically speaking, Vigo is embraced by sea and mountain. Thanks to its special orography – with mountains, the Ría de Vigo (Vigo Estuary), more than 40 white-sand beaches and the Cíes Islands, within the so-called Parque Nacional das Illas Atlánticas – one may practise a rich variety of sports, such as sailing, yacht races and boat competitions, sand sports, racket sports, cycling, trekking, etc.
Being the main fishing port in the north of Spain, Vigo receives most of the Atlantic coastal and deep-sea fishing. Thus numerous restaurants and bars offer high quality fresh fish and seafood.
Further information about Vigo can be found on the following websites: